Up the Standard’s Review for: Trader Joe’s All Natural Fennel, Propolis, & Myrrh Toothpaste

5/5 stars!5-star Rating Image This toothpaste works great! It contains no harmful chemicals or heavy metals. The flavor resembles that of liquorice & tastes as refreshing & pleasant as mint. Not to mention that it gets your teeth squeaky-clean! The paste is smooth & does not pack that gritty, muddy  feeling that a lot of conventional toothpastes do. This particular flavor of Trader Joe’s house-brand toothpaste is fluoride-free, so it is perfect for people with fillings who may be worried about mercury orTrader Joes Propolys Toothpaste composite chemical leaching (which fluoride exacerbates). Despite the fact that it contains no fluoride, it has eliminated plaque & prevented cavities in two of our top scientists, who have used it for three years & have both affirmed its quality. This toothpaste guarantees a new & interesting tooth-brushing experience without compromising health or safety! With the Groupon applied, Bella gets an A on our Price-O-Meter!This product gets an A on our Price-O-Meter! We recommend picking it up at your local Trader Joe’s for about $2.29 per tube, but the price ranges from about $5.50 to $8.99 if you order it online (competitive with brands like Crest and Aquafresh). Way to go, Trader Joe’s!

-Up the Standard

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